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I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

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The the the the central core of all practices, I think, is is one of, you know, good goodwill, I believe. Right? But there's almost like science, like cause and effect. What goes up must come down. It just sort of it it it worked for me as a as an idea. And so, yeah, it became a but it took me 4 years. I mean, I I shakabuka my sister, my best friend, and it was like and they and one day my best friend goes, well, I'm gonna go and get Gohonzon. Gohonzon is this scroll that, we we chant to. And, I was like, wait. You what? He said, I'm getting Gohonzon. I was like, I and he'd been chanting for, like, maybe, I don't know, 6, 8 months. And I was like, I was like, okay. I'll I'll join you. I'll do it. I was like, I've been doing this for 4 years, and I hadn't or, you know, years, and I hadn't. So, yeah, I became a member of the SGI, which is the organization, and that was, yeah, when I was 9 a bit later because I'd started chanting. But I just used to just I chanted, and it was like it kept me in rhythm. And and it and it was and that's really for me, it kept me in a flow. It's like the rhythm of life. And in a way, when I was doing my, my sculpture exam, I remember I was painting, like, a a whalebone and a lemon or a pineapple. Like, it was a whalebone and a and a and, like, some kind of piece of fruit. And I was like, I'd look at it. I'd be painting, and it was a 15 hour still life oil painting exam. Had a still life drawing exam as well as the sculpture. I'd go to the toilet. I'd be like, come back, and we'd love and finish the painting. And and I think, like, yeah, I I got the highest grade, and then the they called and said, we'd like to keep this work as the highest grade for the country kind of thing. It's like like, this is the bench. And I was like, I hadn't been doing art. And I so I really tested it, and it was, you know, I think I think the power as you, you know, you know, when you set an intention And, and at such a young age, you know, for young people, for young people today, I think having something like, something that you can trust, and I think

Sourcing these herbs and many more that can promote digestive health. Visit nature's way.comforward/herbs. And use code j10@checkout for 10% off any herbal supplements through June 30. Terms apply. We make up, then we break up, we make up, then we break up, we make up, then we break up. You're always thinking about breaking up. You're always thinking about how to break up, but you don't know how. I think a lot of us are scared to break up because of what it means. It means loneliness. It means weekends and evenings alone. It means having that uncomfortable awkward conversation that we don't want to have. The number one health and wellness podcast. Chase Shedty. Chase Shedty. He won the only Hey, everyone. Welcome back to on purpose. The place you come to listen, learn, and grow. Thank you to everyone who's subscribed. Thanks to everyone who's left a review. It's incredible to have our community continue to grow. If you haven't already, make sure you've downloaded all the latest episode because I don't want you to miss out on any of our amazing conversations or solos. We've had some phenomenal guests lately, so many more coming up. Make sure you don't miss out. Now today's episode is all about the ways to know if it's time to end your relationship. Now Sometimes it's not as clear. Sometimes it's not that bad. Sometimes it's not the end of the world yet. And often we'll find that people in our life and maybe even you have had moments where you end a relationship and then you realize it ended 12 months ago. It ended 24 months ago. Right. How many times have you left a job, left a relationship, maybe even a friendship? And then when you reflected on it, you realize, wait a minute.

Painted everything. And then we worry about cleaning it up later. But maybe a few of those things just happen to land correctly. And I just keep doing that until everything fully lands where I want it to, and I'm just playing clean up around the sides. That's a beautiful way of describing the process. But what gave you that Where does that will or that confidence come from? Because I think a lot of people are scared of creating a mess or scared of things not sticking so they never try. Whereas it sounds like you're the opposite where you're like, well I don't care if it doesn't try, I'm willing to give it a go. Where does that inner confidence, that inner ability to say, hey, it's okay come from? I don't care about failure at all. I don't care, and I never did. I think when I was younger, I didn't understand what failure was. Like, when you're, you know, when you're 6, when you're 7, when you're 12, you don't there's not many people to let down. You know what I mean? You let down Timmy at school. He's your friend. Sorry, Timmy. But but you you're not thinking about that. And I always I just remember from the beginning, like, my mom was like, I wanted to drop out of school. And, you know, my mom was raising me alone, and it was I was probably 15, 16 at the time, and I was like, mom, I know what I wanna do. She's like, what do you wanna do? I'm like, the music stuff. Like, I'm so into it. And I know and I looked and I go, I know I'm gonna be the biggest in the world. And she was just like, what do you you know, and I've asked her I've asked my mom, like, later in life, like, how did you, like, trust me in my journey? And she always said that she had dreams that she never got to try in her life. And a lot of people are just way too scared to take the jump. You know, a lot of people may have I'm sure everyone in this room, anyone listening has a little something where they're like, oh, I really like that. But they're scared. They're scared. They're like, you know, I would you know, I wanna post videos of me cooking online. No. No. No. No one will like it. My friends will make fun of me. I wanna I sing in the shower. Like, I want no. No. No. No. No. Because

I read this it really hit me and it's on the first page of the book so you can't miss it. But I'm just gonna share this if you don't mind because I looked at these stats and it just was like a punch in the gut when I read it because I was like this really hit me. So listen to this this is reading from Worthy by Jamie Ken Lima page 1 it says for the 80% of women who don't believe they're enough, the 75% of female executives who deal with imposter syndrome, and the 91% of girls and women who don't love their bodies. For the 73% of men who feel inadequate and the 100% of men who come from a woman and likely have at least 1 girl or woman in their lives whom they care about. When you believe you're fundamentally not enough and unworthy as a person, it's a lie. The time to unlearn that lie has come. Together let's leave no girl, no woman, no person left behind in knowing they are worthy. Oh wow. Like when I read that I was like those stats just put it into perspective because I think we often think of feeling worthy or self worth as kind of like this soft thing. Right. And all of a sudden you read the statistics on it and you think but wait a minute we're all dealing with this. Yes. Like in some way, in some area of our life. And exactly what you said, we and me, my most of my whole life, I thought self confidence and self worth were the same thing. So when we're struggling with not feeling enough, and maybe so many people listening to us right now have, you know, all of this stuff on the outside that everyone tells you should make you feel enough. And it's because we're all confusing. We think we just need more self confidence, but what we really need is more self worth. And they're so different, but we try to solve our feelings of not enoughness with things that just build self confidence, but none of them build self worth. And they're so different. Like, so many people think

I find often, don't you feel this, that humans oscillate between extremes? So often we have a culture that idolizes money and then we sometimes develop a mindset that demonizes money. We have a culture that may idolize fame and then we demonize fame. We idolize success and then we demonize success and we're not great at finding the neutralized, the purified version which not only are we deeply seeking but seems to be the healthiest place to land. And so, you spoke about and I was very happy to see that money is one of the forms of wealth and you're just expanding that there are 7 others. But, I find that often when people hear like, and and I think I I've been very clear that I've never talked about how money doesn't buy happiness because I think money is a really powerful energy and powerful resource which you of course talk about in this book as well. But why do you think or how do we stop ourselves from idolizing and then oscillating to demonizing and what is the middle path? Like what is that perspective that we need to develop? That's a beautiful question. Allow money to be your servant, not your master. And it's that old proverb, be in the world, but not of the world. So be in the world. Make money. There's 25 chapters on how the billionaires do it. Make money. Have nice things. Go through life. Treat yourself. Treat your family. Having said that, don't identify with your wealth, your financial wealth. A lot of people, they their self identity is determined by their net worth. Makes me think of Jim Carrey. We're in the land of films and movie stars right here. And he said, you know, I wish everyone could be rich and famous to realize it doesn't make a difference. And so it's almost as if we're going through life.